Thursday, 2 May 2013

Daily Favourite #31

3-D Printed Fabrics: Freedom of Creation, an innovative 3D printing company have explored the exciting idea of printing whole pieces of clothing, without the need for a needle and thread. Pairing with designer Jiri Evenhuis, they first tried the idea many years ago. Now the company can produce  seamless, bespoke size clothing that fits to the form of the body. To print the fabrics in 3D they can use many types of plastics, rubbers, metals, glass, paper and even ceramic materials. A lot of their work is done in collaboration with other companies and individuals to create ideas outside sources would like to see produced. If you would like to read more about their work then see an interview with them here. We love the idea of being able to print your own dress or bag from your own home in the near future, what do you think of technology like this? Would you buy a 3D printer for your home if they became available in years to come?

3D Printing Process: 'The FOC Punch Bag' from Freedom Of Creation on Vimeo.

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